New stable release 2024.10-1 available and shipped to customers.
Safe Access to Your Data
Grml-Forensic is a system designed for forensic investigations and data rescue
tasks. The main purpose of Grml-Forensic is to help the user acquiring data.
Therefore it provides an extensible wizard to help with the data acquisition
Grml-Forensic never modifies any data unless explicitly specified to do so. Besides the possibility to easily export harddisks via iSCSI Grml-Forensic contains several tools to support forensic analysis.
Grml-Forensic provides all the features of Grml, like the possibility to install it on an USB pen or create customised tailored distributions fitting your specific needs. With the flexible Grml boot process it is even possible to create an automated data acquisition process sending the data to a remote server.
- Won't modify any data unless specified.
- Export harddisks via iSCSI for analyses with specialised tools like X-Ways Forensics.
- Extensible data acquisition wizard.
- Adjustable to arbitrary workflows.
- Commercial support, including on-site, phone and email.
- Developed and backed by a commercial team.
- Based on Debian, fully binary compatible.
- Incident analyses
- Data rescue
- Secure remote analyses
- Tax fraud investigation
- Educational purpose
- Network discovery